How to Repurpose Your Video Content for all Your Social Media Platforms to Drive Consistent Leads and Sales 24/7

Published by Jenn Neal on

Video Is King, But Work.Get The Most From Your Efforts By Repurposing Great Content.

how to do content marketing

Back in my corporate career life, I recall a time when the company I was working for was merging with another company. 

They had brought in this big marketing expert who was going to review our plans and progress. 

To be clear, my plans and my progress – as I had been running the department for over two years. 

I was all sorts of nervous. Having not been “formally trained” and was running on the experience I had gained over the last 8 or so years. 

Ultimately, what ended up happening was he loved my plans and projections and had some advice to share, but overall agreed with what I had been doing. 

At first I was disappointed because I was hoping for more of a learning lesson – but I realized that this was a perfect moment of validation. 

Someone else taught and recommended the same thing I was doing. How freaking cool is that?!

Again, this is exactly how I felt when watching today’s featured speaker. Kim Garst is known internationally as a thought leader in the social media space. And she is sharing her message about how important video is, and how to repurpose that content so you’re working smart[er], not hard[er].

Please enjoy some previews from Kim’s presentation: 

Enjoy – then go register for the Smart[er] Content Formula virtual hybrid event. 


About Kim: 

Small town southern gal who discovered a big world. She is an international best selling author, international keynote speaker, one of the world’s most retweeted people among digital marketers and a highly sought after marketing strategist.

Kim is also internationally recognized as a thought leader in the social media space. Forbes named her as one of the Top 10 Social Media Power Influencers. She has provided social and digital marketing advice to some of the world’s top brands like Microsoft, IBM, and Mastercard as well and hundreds of influential business leaders on digital and social media business strategies.

She is the co-founder of Boom! Social, a business strategy consulting firm that helps business owners create more sales using the power of digital and social media.

What she enjoys most is helping ordinary people discover their unique “possibles” so that they can build extra ordinary businesses that helps them live the life of their dreams.

Previews from Kim’s Presentation

Milking Your Content to Create Sticky Gooey Messaging that Sticks

How many of you guys are creating content? Any content? Alright. Do you think it’s a yummy piece of content, like a milk dud? Or do you feel like it’s like an udder failure? We may feel like it’s an udder failure because you haven’t amplified it. You haven’t shared it anywhere. Most of us are creating amazing content and it’s yummy and it’s gooey and you put it out and you’re hoping somebody bumps into it. Sound familiar? All right. So today we’re going to talk about how you turn those milk duds into something that you can actually really leverage. So if you got content, guys, you gotta milk it baby. All right. So we have a little theme here going. I think that all of us are working super hard and we need to start working smarter instead of a super hard in a way that’s and this is important.

how to do content marketing

Staying on Brand with Your Message

When you do one intentional piece of content that is going to be reflected on all of your social channels. Your branding will be on point. Your messaging will be on point. Your content will be on point and you can stop chasing your tush with your content strategy. Now that doesn’t mean there won’t be other types of content that you don’t, that you will need that you can share, but this is a solid way to solve a lot of the problems, content strategies, or content struggles that you have.

how to do content marketing